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Canola & Soy, Oh My!

Now then. Let us define Canola. Let’s start with it’s artificial name, shall we? “Can”-o-la. ‘MADE IN CANADA”. It is actually “Rape” seed oil or “Lear” oil. But who would buy “rape seed oil”? Definitely Not me.

Once Canada modified the rape seed to a lower erucic acid, insects still sensed this repellent and stayed away; but those inventors still saw their wallets growing fatter. They hired talented promoters, advertisers; following the traditional Rockefeller footsteps. Just as he hired Ivy Lee, the original “spin doctor” to (ever so sympathetically) misrepresent the truth in order to remedy his reputation, following the Ludlow massacre. We are such a gullible group! We believe “Everything” don’t we?

And, let’s not forget those “Medical Experts”. The ones that can get  their wallets padded, just by putting their name on a product. Has anyone ever seen one of these “medical experts” actually taking/trying/ eating what-ever it is that they so vividly endorse? Didn’t think so!  (I bet we are all capable of reading reports and teleprompters just like them; only we don’t get paid the substantial funds for the mis-truths’ that they do, nor the exposure.) 

Now that they had Canadians hooked on their deception, it was time to cross the border to a larger assembly, and dupe them as well. Easy Prey. Just have to pay the FDA $50,000,000. to get a ‘GRAS’ endorsement. Now “gras” doesn’t mean anything other then ‘IT IS GENERALLY RECOGNIZED AS SAFE”. Interpretation = Not Tested! “Assumption of safety!” “Nothing Thus Far Proving it Harmful”! Just as aspartame, equal, sweet’ n low, are all ‘GRAS’. They are safe products! They have no reason to lie to us. (or do they $$$)

Years ago, when I was researching this new “healthy” food, the fact that I found distressful was that there had been No long term studies done, nor were there any human studies reported. Any testing was typically ended “abruptly”, and I couldn’t find one study that exceeded one year. That, to me, was very disturbing. All I was able to find were studies on pigs and rats, and all the studies ended with a very similar result. Lesions! On the heart, lungs, kidneys. In one study, I read, the lesions actually were disappearing from one area, while re-emerging on another. But the examiner couldn’t confirm that the elimination of “ such lesions “ was necessarily a positive finding (they halted the funding!)

Now, when it comes to soy, every woman should read this article. I remember going around and around with my doc over this topic. hypothyroidism is one of the most difficult diagnosis to establish. Even the endocrinologist never seem to agree. Your best bet. Take your temperature. If your waking temperature is below 97.6F, you’ve probably got thyroid issues. In any event, everyone should already be on iodine.  Are you allergic?  Don’t think so!  How can humans be allergic to something that is a necessary part of their body? 

I had to ask.  I work with doc’s.  Time to toss this one out there.  It did get a couple thinking enough to research it.   What I was eventually returned with was this:  “the iodine that is used in medicine has “preservatives”, as well as other chemical compositions.”  Bottom line;  People who have a reaction to I.V. or topical Iodine are probably having a reaction to the  chemicals in the product, and not the iodine itself.  

To add my own opinion to this.  Iodine is an antibacterial.  If it is doing it’s work, and you happen to have a reaction.  Then it is probably eliminating your body from bacteria.  If the reaction is substantial; then cut back on the iodine.  You do  want that bacteria to be removed!  Lugol’s and Iodoral are safe, natural iodine.  Unfortunately, our bodies have been cleansed of most “natural” health substances which may result in possibly a few reactions. 

If anyone is as old as I am, you may remember that iodine used to be in most baked goods, and if I recall correctly, somewhere  the 70’s it was switched to a bromine derivative. Hence, when you look at the fact that most people are iodine deficient, then we add soy to the mix, which is a known goitrogenic (prevents iodine uptake by thyroid). Does anyone question the fact that “synthroid” use is growing by leaps and bounds. But it doesn’t end there. It would be wise to read the adverse effects of thyroid medications before ingesting them. Most cause the imminent death of whatever function the thyroid has left.

I found that by taking substantial doses of potassium iodide, tyrosine, gugalipid,  a good quality mineral supplement, and chemical free diet, my thyroid began repairing itself. Funny how the body actually “can” repair itself. It may take months, sometimes a year or two. But isn’t it worth it?

Since I have pets, and they were showing similar signs of infection, I found sites which are very informative for similar pet health issues. Many of the same issues affect both human as well as our animal friends.  Thyroid, Arthritis, Colitis, Cancers. Most of which can be avoided if we take what we learn about our own health and apply it to them. I no longer allow an animal of mine to have any vaccines; (I had to educate the vet on that subject, but he learned well), they eat real foods, and oddly enough, they do not possess any typical health issues as are common for their age or stage of life. As a result of over-lapping health issues, I find such sites as Shirley’s wellness cafe, well researched and very informative when it comes to my pets.

All in all, when a product is “over” emphasized as being “exceptionally beneficial” to Us;  it may be wise to follow the money trail, and see who may benefit from the sales of such product. In this case; the chemical company makes/modifies the foods, (which are Patented, of course), and the drug companies benefit from the illnesses that are created.

By the way, the drug companies ARE the chemical companies too!




Symptom Alert!

The Little Symptoms that Could…….

As we begin aging, we tend to just “assume” that our bodies are going to start faltering on us. Sure, we exercise; eat (what we believe, to be) healthy foods, and some of us even take supplements to help make up for any possible deficiencies.

I had temporarily forgotten my dad’s favourite saying “NEVER ASSUME”…!!!!!

What does assume do? You guessed it! It makes an “ASS” of “U” and “ME”!

So there I was, on a downward spiral. Literally “falling apart”. It seemed like new symptoms appeared every month or so. No good reason, exceptgetting older“, and, of course, there’s always the back-up excuse: “genetics”. Oh yea, let us NOT FORGET, “The WOMEN ISSUES”, always a great excuse for those FREUDIANsymptom diagnoses!”

But the majority of my symptoms, were not matching those within my family? However, For the ones that were; “I wanted to believe it. Just because someone in my family had them I was ultimately, “predisposed”. (An easy answer, right?) . After-all, I worked in medicine. The concept made sense. It “was believable”!

As the months turned to years, the symptoms kept accumulating. It “wasn’t” making sense any longer. I was seeing 70 & 80 year old patients that had more of a life then I did. Even my 75 yr. old mother was moving faster then I was!


No Way! Ruled Out!

Well, this was about the time I began my quest. Unfortunately, my body and mind were defunct . But I was, in no way a “quitter”. Dad, being good for his sayings, always said “You can do anything! But you have to believe in yourself first!” (he also said “god gave you a brain – so use it!) ( Yep, a “No Nonsense” sort of guy!)

There it was. Belief! Faith! (In Ourselves….not Others, not Doctors. )To do whatever it takes ! It was, after all, MY LIFE. Why am I trusting it to someone who has No Vested Interest in it?

Being so incapacitated, this was not going to be an easy task!

But I had determination on my side!  I was going to get fixed – or Die Trying!….I refused to live like this!

It may have been a slow, excruciating process, but I couldn’t have done this article a year ago. So, I’ve come a long, long way! And now it’s time to help those that may be fighting the same/ similar battle……..All it takes is a Strong Will to Survive; the ability to NOT Believe everything your doctor tells you (education is paid for, so are the Instructors!), and the ability to Believe in Yourself! (believe you are strong, believe you are right, believe you have the Right!) You may have to call upon old memories of yourself, but you have to see who you once were. That’s the person you want back. And you’ll do whatever it takes, stop at Nothing to get that person back!

Sure, you may make some people mad, or even hurt feelings. And, of course, you’re going to have those that think you’re just plain crazy. You Cannot let that get you down! Lose a doctor, that’s fine, there’s more where that one came from. Lose a friend, that fine, they weren’t a friend if they didn’t believe in you. Lose a relative, oh well, sometimes blood isn’t thicker then water! You need “believers”. Only those that support “YOU”!

You can’t afford to settle for less.

Remember, we’re talking about LIFE. It was MY LIFE! I had to trust my-self, my instincts. (Frank Sinatra comes to mind!)

Brain-washed, manipulated people are NOT what I needed in order to regain my health. They are the ones that got me here in the first place!

I began taking notes. A diary, sort to speak. Symptoms. Capabilities. Now, I get it. I was worse then most. And; I think I’ve figured out the reason for that, but I will address that in the future. For now, I just want to bring awareness to what symptoms are “potentially” caused by; Bacteria, Mycoplasmas Viruses, Fungi, Parasites, Metals, to name a few.

The reason why I can legitimately say they are the result of these? Because I fixed them!

Now, by FIXING, I DO NOT mean taking medications for the rest of my life. I do not mean continued treatment of any sort. I mean, “those symptoms have retreated” . Gone!

I haven’t fixed everything, as yet. Some of the symptoms are still “works in progress”, but they show signs of continued improvement. I have faith. I’ve done the impossible up until now. (as far as specialists are concerned, anyway.) I believe I will continue my quest to prove medicine “Wrong”.

I recently had correspondence with Dr. Garth Nicholson . When I was a child, I was diagnosed with an astigmatism. Suddenly, I am being told that I have been “mis-diagnosed for some 40+ years? It has “vanished”! Even my eyesight has improved. (which the specialists say is “UNHEARD OF!”)

Hold on a minute. That means over 20 doctor visits have resulted in “Wrong Diagnosis?” Now What?  Who do you believe? How can this be? Doctor’s are ‘GODS’. The epitome of our existence. Wrong?   Never!

I must confess to one thing though, I do enjoy, “educating” them. (in proper ways; not Rockefeller, IG Farben, Merck, etc. ways). I just didn’t “expect” eye doctors to be among my students.. I thought my bacteria was more or less the last 10-20 years, not since “birth”! This actually made me shudder! How many somewhat simple “diagnosis” have I been endowed with since birth? Humm. Little things. (hang-nails? in-grownToe nails? Strange headaches at the base of the skull? ) One thing that really stood out, once I started thinking about it was.  Years ago, my mother told me that I was born with Jet Black Kinky hair. (she commented that she thought that she had received the wrong baby. {although this may actually be true!}, but, within days, the black, kinky hair fell out to allow the light brown straight hair to come in?) Not entirely, unusual, except for the fact, that, a section of my symptom list produced the same findings. (?)

Arm, Leg, and head hair, which had turned much darker in color, had noticeable kinks, which would fall out during treatments. (Was I born with some of this bacteria?)    EEEEEK!

During my lengthy research, I had been reviewing Dr. Nicholson’s work. His research had corresponded with my findings. I had an allie! Someone I could trust. His views/opinions honorable . And, my occasional question, answered without hesitation. Impressive!)

This was one of those times. The Doctor Nicholson’s are, (in my opinion) the guru’s of mycoplasma. So; I had to know. Was this astigmatism the result of mycoplasma? (a problem I was Born with…..?)

The answer I received was this: symptoms.astigmatism.msdoc (see below if link unavailable)

How enlightening to learn, that even though, they had not found that it “specifically” contributes to astigmatism, there is a probability. And, I have now put that question out there. The same strategy I have been using on some other doc’s. Planting seeds. Just like others are doing, in order to open up people‘s minds today. Throwing sparks of information out there. Hoping that some day one of those sparks will ignite.

Not any different than my personal doc. It’s taken years, but he’s finally reading information that I present him with. He’s starting to see similar symptoms in other patients. He’s starting to “question”! (the medical profession & He’s also listening to me and taking amino acids daily!….lol) My vet.  The same scenario! Opening the eyes. Opening the Mind. (but he’s FURIOUS!)

We are Products of Our Environment. The problem = The current Environment is Full Of Lies!

We have to be grateful for those parents, teachers, friends, mentors that taught us to think for ourselves. QuestionArgue. Take a Stand.  Dare to Be Different!  They gave us the tools to survive.

The symptoms list that I have accumulated, is based on myself. I realize that it is extensive. Don’t panic. I’m still alive! (but I know who I’d haunt, if I were dead!)  The remarkable thing is “symptoms are Fixable”! You don’t have to believe me. I’m not asking you to. I was dumbfounded when symptoms just started fading like they had never even been there in the first place. But, not all of them are easy to eradicate. Some take a lot of work, determination and discipline. But if you, or anyone you know has more then just a few of these, I would suggest they take heed before they get more serious. A neuro-degenerative disease or cancer can , from my own experience, be controlled or eliminated. But, the earlier, the better!. (it can be painful and discouraging trying to fix any problem that’s been there for years.)

Symptom.pre.list   or see article in this category below: ‘SYMPTOMS TO PAY ATTENTION TO’.

I must admit, however, you need to look far beyond orthodox medicine to “fix” any major health problems today. As they are a direct result of this (I.G. FARBEN).  And, as usual, I’m always thrilled to see someone else helping the cause. Even if it is nothing but an Annoying Video explaining mycoplasma and how to start helping yourself get healthy naturally.

I feel as I have to warn you though. These “stealth” pathogens have been around since before WWII,. If you’re anything like me, you will get very angry as you look back and see how these diseases have destroyed the lives of many good people we have known and loved. 

Response from Dr. Garth Nicholson: 

Although I don’t recall  anything specifically about astigmatism and our
treatment protocol, in general, eyesight improved (dramatic decreases in
pain, blurriness, focusing, tremors, etc.) in patients as they recovered
from Mycoplasma infections.  A variety of vision problems are associated
with these infections.

You certainly have my permission to use any U-tube material.  I think that
you might be interested in our book, Project Day Lily, because it took
place entirely in Texas.  See below

Prof. Garth Nicolson
The Institute for Molecular Medicine

D. Noble





(if you have some of these, it’s time to start paying attention)



-Aphasia (difficulty communicating)

-Asperger’s syndrome  behaviours

-Autistic Behavior


-Balance (equilibrium-lop-sided)

-Bartonella type symptoms

-Brain fog




-Disoriented (not recognizing familiar surroundings-forget location)

-Dysphonia (difficulty speaking)

-Dysphasia (difficulty swallowing)

-Eyes (stabbing pain-see visual, Swollen)

-Expression, lack of

-Face (lack of expression-numbness-pimples-redness-droopy)


-Fatigue (for no known reason)

-Forget (car keys, where car is, common items lost)

-Headaches (increasing in severity and intensity)

-Hearing (diminished-muffled-ringing/tinnitus)

-Inadequacy (feeling of)

-Insecurity (feeling of)




-Level of Consciousness Altered (LOC)


-Memory (especially short term-names-common words)


-Nasal Congestion

-Narcolepsy (fall asleep “continually”)


-Sensory perception diminished

-Seizures (will stop -without drugs)


-Sialorrhea- (drooling)

-Speaking difficulty (dysphonic)

-Swallowing difficulty (dysphasia)

-Thought Process Impaired (lose train of thought frequently)

-Temporal pains


-Visual (enlarged pupils-cloudy-floaters-blurred-dull-light sensitive-debth perception altered)


-Angiomas (pics, , more here)

-Bruises (no known reason)


-Cellulitis -more propaganda (note causes; non applied)

-Chapped Lips

-Crawling sensations (may increase/decrease in severity)

-Edematous (Swollen)

-Freckles (increase, typically a write-off, see petechiae pics)

-Hair (on arms & legs darkens)

-Hair (alopecia, sudden changes in texture, kinks in hair)

-Healing – Slow

-Itchy (feet, hands, arms, legs, head)

-Liver Spots (see medical propagandabelievable isn’t’ it?

-Nails (striated, yellow, thickening, brittle)

-Nails (Fungus)

-Nodules (bumps of variable sizes & consistencies)

-Petechiae (Purpura,petechiae info.)

-Psoriasis (here or caustic issues here)

-Rashes (variable and anywhere)

-Red streaks (anywhere)

-Red patches (anywhere)

-Red Neck

-Skin (tissue paper thin-wrinkling-dry-flakey-chapped)

-Skin (small scabs, slicing. Discolorations)






-Slow Stream



-Arthralgia (here) (non-inflammatory pain)

-Arthritis (inflammation & pain)

-Back Pain (for no known reason-childhood injuries don’t count)

-Bones (feeling of bone rubbing on bone)

-Bones (spurs, thickening, painful hard bumps on bones)

-Bones (pain upon pressure, especially small bones)

-Clumsy (drop things more then usual)

-Co-ordination (brain & body don’t work together sporadically)

-Feet (drag, trip over them, stub)

-Fingers (pain, tightness, stiff)

-Joints (pain on squeezing

-Joints (stiff, sore, seized, swollen, crepitous, inflamed)

-Legs (any of these )

-Muscles (spasms, Charlie horses, pain, Burn, ache)

-Neck (tight, crepitous, stiff, sore, achy)

-Pain (rotates, waves)

-Sciatica –Explained here-note: Tumors (I call them cysts)


-Tendons (burning, pulling, tightness, pain)






-BP (normal, high, low..????)

-Bronchitis (chronic)

-Heart (arrhythmias, palpitations)

-Lymph Nodes (swollen, painful, tender)

-Snoring (sleep apnea)


-Abdominal Pain

-Abdominal Cysts

-Appetite suppressed

-Constipation (rotating)

-Celiac (explained)

-Diarrhea (rotating)


-Irritable Bowel

-Incontinence (bowels)


-Malabsorption (explained)






-Temperature range (variable 95.5-102.0F)



-Canker sores

-Cavities (increased frequency)

-Gum Disease

-Tooth aches (increase in frequency)

-Thrush/ Fungi


-Allergies (unexplainable for the most part)


-Blood Sugar Spikes

-Colds & general Illnesses (increased frequency)

-Flu Like Symptoms (wax and wane)




If you, or someone you know has been diagnosed with any of these;

Alzheimer’s, dementia, CFS, fibromyalgia, M.S., Parkinson’s, AID’S, cancer, Lyme, Crohns, Huntington’s, Lupus, Sclera Derma, Bi-polar, Epilepsy, Thyroid dysfunction, Adrenal Dysfunction, Chronic Ear Infections, Cystitis, ARDS, SARS, R.A., Lou Gehrig’s, Chronic Sinusitis, Rosacea, Psoriasis, Diabetes, Reflux, Gerd, Allergies, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, Endometriosis, etc., etc., etc.

You need to read on!

One of the tests I had requested from the doctor was Mycoplasma.  Based on symptoms that I entered into the “wrong diagnosis” symptom Checker, Mycoplasma became a Viable possibility.

Until then, I had never heard of this disease.  But I also didn’t realize that there was a blatant connection between mycoplasma and Lyme Disease.

I don’t think many have heard of Mycoplasma!

When I questioned my doctor about it. The response was “it’s no big deal; everyone has it!”  Somehow, that didn’t cut it with me. Way too many symptoms were listed under this pathogen, and the symptoms were significant.

When my tests came back, Mycoplasma had the highest reading of all.  If the numbers were any reflection of the degree of infection, I was Not In Good Shape!

With a positive being a reading of 0.90; my result was 3.41. This was a reading of 378% over positive. Almost 400% above a “positive reading”!  And; this is “NO BIG DEAL”?  Not in my books!

Alright, I’ve matched my symptoms to a diagnosis. Now to begin researching this pathogen, which “EVERYONE supposedly has“!  What is it?  How did I contract it; and how do I get rid of it!

It didn’t start off to badly. The first couple of documents I read mentioned that  10 days of zithromax/azithromycin or erythromycin would be  the treatment of choice. Little did I realize that this may be even harder to eliminate then the Lyme pathogen!

Mycoplasma does Not discriminate. And, even with my failing memory, I could apply this as a potential diagnosis to many people I had come in contact with, over the past few years. I was getting very nervous.

Having lived in the South-West for quite a few years, and having looked after extensively Ill people there. I always found this to be a very sick area. People appeared more ill then I had been familiar with.  Asthma, Allergies, Psoriasis, chronic skin infections, etc. The more I read, the more the pieces of the puzzle were starting to fit together.

I just didn’t realize that being in health care was “a poor choice”!

After a while, the same names were recurring in my research.Prof. D. Scott , Dr.’s Garth and Nancy Nicholson. The information was inconceivable at first! But, after reading well over 100 documents and books, I couldn’t hold back the gasps! This whole issue was absolutely mind-boggling!

Is there a cover-up-up” going on? This couldn’t be true!

The degree of people with M.S., Parkinson’s, R.A., Eczema, Dementia: Enormous! How could so many people be loosing their lives to such diseases?  Could the U.S.A. be harming their, well respected, admired, defenders of the Flag, with this ? Their own people? Impossible!

But it was starting to make sense. The pieces of the puzzle were starting to fit togetherMany did NOT want to hear it. More didn’t believe it!  Who could blame them?  I couldn’t.  This was easily becoming my worst nightmare !

This pathogen is Not easily removed by our bodies.  Sure, the initial symptoms can be suppressed. But this type of bacteria has the means to hide from our Immune system and enter our cells!  The cells of “every” part of the body.  Bones, tendons, muscles,(including heart), every organ, (including skin), eyes, blood vessels & blood.  And our own bodies, NOT be able rid itself of it!

The pathogen, has no cell wall (stealth). It attaches itself to our cells, enters them, replicates and divides, robbing them of the very nutrients that our cells need in order to survive. While encapsulated within our cells they evade detection by our immune system. Eventually they out-grow the cell, causing our own cells death, allowing them to attach to other healthy cells.

Mycoplasma has the ability to cross the blood brain barrier, enter the spinal fluid and cause a multitude of symptoms. It can even cross the placental barrier, potentially infecting an unborn fetus.

After careful evaluation of what I  read, I found that mycoplasma, which was horrific on it’s own, was not necessarily the whole picture. The patent, listed (here), contains information that made me think of the possibility of the shock & aweregime. This can’t be true!, can it?

  Has  this been going on, under our noses for Decades?

The one question I have.  And only one;  is:  “Was this all a horrible Accident?”  One, which may have resulted in such enormous law-suites,  far beyond our comprehension!  That the fear of acknowledging such accident, potentiated the need for a massive cover-up! 

Will we “ever” get the answers we deserve?

Will we “ever” find the Truth? 



Saved By The Truth